The Washington Hotline


The Washington Hotline

After observing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, Congress convened for legislative business on Tuesday. In recent months, the state of the economy has been a top focus for Washington. The slowdown of the economy has certainly put a dent in the pocketbooks of Americans across the country, leaving many working families and employers in a crunch. This week, I am pleased to report House Leadership made a major breakthrough in negotiations regarding a stimulus package that will stimulate business investment to create new jobs and put money in the hands of local families.

On Capital Hill…

House Leadership Agrees on Economic Stimulus Package
In a bipartisan effort, House leadership came to an agreement on an economic stimulus package aimed to revitalize America's struggling economy. I support this agreement and believe it sends a strong message to the American people that Congress is prepared to keep our economy on a growth path. Over the past few weeks, I have met with several top economists to discuss the proper action that should take place in order to get our economy back on its feet. To help shape the debate on the specific provisions of the stimulus package, this week I introduced two tax initiatives that will strengthen the environment for job growth and provide much-needed tax relief for hardworking, middle-class families.

Click HERE for Rep. English's remarks on the House floor.

English Visits Afghanistan
Tuesday, I returned from Afghanistan after traveling there for several days to get a direct look at U.S. military operations and reconstruction efforts. This visit was part of an official Congressional Delegation led by U.S. Rep. Susan Davis (D-Calif.). Our trip gave me encouragement that we and our NATO allies are making a substantial impact in Afghanistan through Operation Enduring Freedom. More of story…

House Fails to Override Second Veto of Children's Healthcare Program
Despite my vote to override the president's veto on the expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), our bipartisan effort, again, fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to successfully override the veto and pass the bill. Regardless of this unfavorable outcome, I am continuing to fight to reauthorize and expand SCHIP. We know that this program works and that it provides real benefits to working families and to public health in general. More of story…

In District…

Locals March for Life
Tuesday, constituents from all over Pennsylvania's 3rd district came to Washington, D.C. to participate in the 35th March for Life, an annual pro-life event held on the anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade decision to legalize abortion. I would like to commend all of those who traveled all the way to our nation's capital, braved the cold, harsh, rainy weather and made the trek from the White House to the steps of the Supreme Court building.

New Web site
The family-friendly Web site,, has a new design and links to over 1,200 web pages from government agencies, schools and educational organizations that make it easy for your children or grandchildren to learn, explore and have fun. The site has activities for children in kindergarten through eighth grade with dozens of topics ranging from the arts and music to history.

3rd District Services
Don't forget, my 3rd district staff can assist local residents with problems they might have with federal agencies such as Social Security, Medicare, military and veteran's affairs and immigration. U.S. Flags can be purchased through my office and we can even assist you with your visit to the nation's capital.

For more information contact one of my offices today.
